Well, that's three down in the four-game series, and I'm pretty happy with the results so far. Interesting that Manny continues to do little-to-nothing, but the team is coming right along without him, just like they have the whole season. I swear, I've been watching him swing away for two weeks and that man is just not seeing the ball. On the other hand, Matt Kemp certainly is seeing it and feeling it: he hit a 449-foot homer today, one of the longest ever seen in this stadium.
The new pitching additions aren't hurting us, but I'll be glad when Kuroda gets back! He's doing OK, and chipped in $25,000.00, as did Bud Selig for ThinkCure. It's kind of amazing the outpouring and participation from fans, but then again, cancer is something that affects all of us, in one way or another. Looking forward to a sweep tomorrow!
Interior Design For The Home
Any home can be pleasing with the proper application of basic interior
design methods. Some people study interior design to be very good at it but
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